Philosophy and Mathematics of
Situated Agency
Conference at the University of Oulu, Finland, June 5-8, 2023
Conference Organizers

Kalle Timperi
Random dynamical systems, low dimensional geometry.
Kalle Timperi received his MSc degree at the University of Helsinki. His MSc thesis dealt with random Fourier series and their application to the definition of the Wiener process (Brownian motion). He completed his PhD on random dynamical systems with bounded noise at Imperial College London, in the context of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie innovative training network Critical Transitions in Complex Systems (CRITICS). He is currently employed in Steven M. LaValle’s Perceptual Engineering group as part of the ERC AdG project ILLUSIVE at the University of Oulu. Kalle seeks to clarify the implications of alternative models for randomness in complex systems. Recently, he has explored information spaces as a perceptual framework in robotic systems.

Vadim Weinstein
Mathematical logic, embodied cognition
Vadim Weinstein (né Kulikov) defended his PhD in mathematical logic in 2011 at the University of Helsinki and has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic in Vienna, Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm, University of Helsinki, Aalto University, and is currently a senior research fellow at the University of Oulu. After his PhD, Vadim got interested in the mind sciences and completed an MSc in cognitive science at the University of Vienna in 2016. He has published in a wide range of areas from generalized and classical descriptive set theory to knot theory and philosophy of cognition and artificial intelligence. His main interest is to tie mathematical logic with the modern understanding of human mind and brain

Dr. des.
Adrian Wieczorek
Phenomenological Ontology, Situated Mind, Philosophy of Perception
Adrian Wieczorek studied philosophy, comparative literature and musicology at University of Zurich, Paris-Sorbonne and LMU Munich. He is a research assistant at LMU Munich (Chair of Metaphysics and Ontology) and lecturer at Fresenius University of Applied Science Munich. He finished his PhD project on the origins of mental representation in perception, combining approaches from analytic philosophy, phenomenology, and cognitive science. With a long-standing research interest in ontology and especially in Heidegger’s late phenomenology, one of Adrian’s post-doc projects aims to develop an account of situatedness ("radical situated cognition") that helps to clarify and enrich key ontological implications of the embedded mind.
Local hosts

Nicoletta Prencipe
Mathematics of human perception
Nicoletta Prencipe received her Ph.D. degree from Mathematics Institute of the University of Bordeaux in collaboration with the Nice Research Center of Huawei Technologies France in 2022. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland, working in the Perception Engineering group. Her main research interest is the mathematical modeling of human perception.

Filip Georgiev
Embedded Software, Virtual Reality
Filip Georgiev obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Fontys University of Applied Sciences, where he specialized in Embedded Software and Virtual Reality (VR) development. His interest in VR led him to pursue his Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Oulu while working as a Research Assistant of Computational Mathematics in Steven M. LaValle’s Perception Engineering group. There, he focused on investigating how biological processes in the brain can be described mathematically with the aim of leveraging the emerging theory towards VR. Filip is also very keen on attending startup competitions, where he uses his skills in leadership and organization, obtained in his experience as a team leader in many university group projects, to be victorious.